Welform Electrodes is known in the resistance welding industry for its cutting edge custom shunts. We utilize machines that were developed and built at the Welform headquarters to cut and form raw copper to create the most precise leaf shunts for our customers. Because we manufacture and engineer our parts internally, we can easily create custom shunts fit to either your specs or ours.
Welform has been manufacturing copper components since 1979. We’ve seen it, we’ve done it and we’ve perfected it. Our years of experience with copper allows us to create custom shunts that not only serve your purpose in resistance welding, but can also create dramatic differences in your bottom line. Welform works with all automotive standards to provide custom leaf shunts for any requirement.
Here at Welform, we know the recipes to correctly complete the process from start to finish. Our ability to design and manufacture any type of custom shunts our customers may need allows us to provide the experience and quality work they deserve. As they say, “If Welform can’t do it, no one can.”
Interested in learning more about our custom shunts and how they can benefit your manufacturing process? Contact us today to get started on your Welform experience.
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